Empower Your Family to Reduce Sugar
Most parents don’t realize just how much sugar and sweeteners have crept into their children’s diets and the many ways this impacts their growth and development. Sugarproof gives parents the tools to raise kids who self-regulate sugar and enjoy the pleasures of good food and good health.

Sugarproof Provides Simple and Sustainable Solutions
Most of us know that sugar can wreak havoc on adult bodies, but few realize how uniquely harmful it can be for children. The damage can begin early in life, resulting in fatty liver disease, prediabetes, obesity and elevated risk for eventual heart disease, not to mention behavioral, emotional, and learning problems.
Sugarproof busts myths about the various types of sugars and sweeteners and helps families identify and replace highly sweetened foods and drinks in their diets. Sugarproof is not about eliminating all sugar but instead is focused on realistic family-based solutions to reduce sugar consumption to a healthy level.
With a 7-day and a 28-day challenge to help families right-size sugar, along with many simple strategies and recipes without added sugars or sweeteners, Sugarproof teaches parents to raise informed and empowered kids who can set their own healthy limits without feeling restricted.
"Dr. Goran is one of the nation’s most highly respected researchers and authorities on childhood obesity prevention”
Dr. David Ludwig
Author, Always Hungry?

Part 1
Your Child on Sugar
We examine why kids are especially vulnerable in today’s high sugar food environment. We will help you understand the different types of sugars as well as low calorie sweeteners and explain how they can affect growing minds and bodies, both in the short and long term.

Part 2
Sugarproof Your Family
We introduce the strategies you will need to successfully reduce sugars to a healthy level. We also provide step-by-step details for a 7-day and a 28-day plan to rightsize sugar. A Sugarproof child is one who can still enjoy sweet treats, but knows how to avoid overdoing it.

Part 3
The Sugarproof Kitchen
We provide strategies and tips for creating a Sugarproof kitchen, including getting the kids involved in cooking. We provide 39 new recipes without any added sugar or sweeteners that are guided by our principles of simplicity, versatility and flexibility.

“How and what we feed our children is of the utmost importance. In this digestible book, Emily and Michael deftly illuminate the nature of sugar in our world today, and what role it should play in a child’s diet — it is essential reading for parents, educators, and eaters alike.”
Alice Waters, chef, author, and Founder of the Edible Schoolyard

"Learn from one of the world’s leading experts on sugar and its impact on children from womb to tomb. This book blew my mind and underscores the importance for all of us to reduce sugar and starch intake to protect not only ourselves but our future generations."
Mark Hyman, MD, Head of Strategy and Innovation: Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Food Fix: How to Save Our Health, Our Economy, Our Communities and Our Planet – One Bite at a Time

"Dr. Michael Goran trained as a biochemist and started out his research journey as a human physiologist. But as he realized the primacy of diet in chronic disease, he has morphed into a pediatric nutrition research powerhouse. He has helped elucidate how dietary sugar can be uniquely problematic even for babies, and how it can derail the process of healthy growth and development. His work has provided insightful understandings on how to translate research findings into effective ways for reducing sugar consumption in childhood."
Robert Lustig, MD, MSL, Emeritus Professor of Pediatrics, UCSF, and author of Fat Chance and The Hacking of the American Mind

“I was shocked when I was reading this. I thought I was fairly knowledgable on nutrition and what I was putting into my kids’ bodies. Really and truly, I cannot reccommend this book enough. It’s just a wealth of knowledge and a must-read for parents”
Nikki DeLoach - Actress and media Spokesperson

“Sugarproof is a game-changer. All parents need to read this book. Frankly, I think everyone should read this book because you need to understand the science of sugar and how we can get it out of our food supply. I think it’s going to change a lot of lives and it’s going to help a lot of kids and families”
Will Bulsiewicz, MD MSCI, New York Times bestselling author of Fiber Fueled

“This is a really important topic. What we’re feeding our children will affect not only how they feel, how they learn, and how they behave today, but also it affects their future, and it’s our job as parents to really look out for them and try to reduce sugar. Sugarproof gives us the tools to do that.”
Kelly Leveque; Holistic Nutritionist, Health Coach and author of “Body Love Every Day” series

“Every year obesity and diabetes rates hit new highs in America. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is now epidemic in America (and around the world), and the sugars we consume are the most likely cause of all of these. These sugars are hidden in virtually every processed food and constitute far and away our major dietary addiction. Even those of us who try to restrict our sugar consumption can be easily fooled by the sugars hidden in the foods we buy every day at the supermarkets. Families desperately need a guide like Sugarproof to help identify these hidden sugars in their diet and provide a thoughtful and workable guide on how to cut back to a reasonable and safe level.”
Gary Taubes; Author of “The Case Against Sugar”

“There is a huge gap in the practical issues that must be faced to tackle the added sugar epidemic in our country. Michael Goran is a leader laying out practical and meaningful strategies for parents and families that want to learn about the presence of sugar in our diets, the health effects, and clear guidelines on ways to reduce sugar intake.”
Barry Popkin, Ph.D., W. R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina; author of The World Is Fat

“Dr. Michael Goran is a thought leader in the field of childhood nutrition. As a researcher and a parent, I can attest to the need for his new book Sugarproof. We are facing a silent crisis of obesity among our youth, and it is often the case that parents don't realize the damage that poor nutrition has inflicted on their child until it is too late. With our overly sugared food supply, parents need the resources and knowledge to help their children get on the right track to better health. Dr. Goran gives them that in Sugarproof."
Nicole Avena, Ph.D., author of What to Feed Your Baby and Toddler

“This book will help parents, teachers, and nutrition educators identify ways that they can help create the change we need to see in our food, food products, marketing, and communities to put a serious dent in the public health crisis that childhood obesity represents today and in the future. I am thrilled to see this work and believe strongly that it will be a game changer to move us in a different direction--from information to action.”
Ashley Koff, RD, award-winning nutrition expert and CEO, The Better Nutrition Program

“There are many health advocates pointing out the dangers of sugar use by infants and children. But none of this advocacy has been as practical and courageous as that of Michael I. Goran, Ph.D. By analyzing the types and amounts of sugar actually present in the foods that our children are exposed to, he has provided us with shocking and invaluable insight. Dr. Goran’s Sugarproof translates his study findings into concrete suggestions for the protective action that today’s parents, teachers, and health professionals desperately need. I look forward to making this book required reading in all of my trainings and to promoting it in whatever other ways I can.”
Julia Ross, author of The Diet Cure, The Mood Cure, and The Craving Cure
Sugarproof busts myths about the various types of sugars and sweeteners, helps families identify sneaky sources of sugar in their diets, and suggests realistic, family-based solutions to reduce sugar consumption and therefore protect kids. Sugarproof isn’t about quitting sugar entirely. It’s about becoming less reliant on sweet foods and drinks as daily staples. Sugarproof offers a realistic and straightforward approach, teaching parents to raise informed and empowered kids who can set their own healthy limits without feeling restricted. Give your family a healthy reset. Available now!