Are you feeling like you and your family could use a fresh start and sugar re-set after the holidays and the many months of lockdown?
Our 7 Day No Added Sugar Challenge is a great way to do this. We outline all of the steps in the book, but in a nutshell, this is your chance to get your family on board, take a close look at where all of the hidden added sugars and sweeteners are in your family’s diet. We challenge you to take them all out for just one week to help raise awareness, reset palates, and then carefully decide what’s worth adding back in.
Families who have done this challenge with us have seen some amazing results, like finding alternatives to juice and soda, making swaps at breakfast to reduce sugar while increasing fiber and protein, and finding snacks that are not full of added sugars like many yogurts and granola bars are.
While you can do this challenge at any time of the year when you need a reset, what is special about now is not only the motivational factor that often comes with the new year, but also the chance to do this 7 day challenge alongside us.
Both of us will be doing this challenge with our own families the week of January 11-17th and we are inviting you to join us!
We created a supplemental guide that gives you additional resources that are not in the book like a shopping list, detailed meal plan, and other tips. We will share this with you. Just e-mail us your proof of purchase of any format of Sugarproof to
If you don’t already have a copy of the book, now is a great time to get one! You can get a copy here for 30% off the regular price, or anywhere else that books are sold.
We have also created a private Facebook group that you can join. We will be available to chat there and give you personalized guidance as you plan for the week and go through it alongside us as well.
So send us an e-mail with your proof of purchase of any format of the book (including kindle or audio) to sign-up, get your guide, and join our group!!
Looking forward to hearing from you and doing this challenge together!
Michael and Emily